tokyoflaneur channel on YouTube
I’ve just made my channel on YouTube, thinking that I should post my sample movies.
I studied what was called “Time based media”, which in general term, “moving image” at university. When I graduated, I thought that we would be able to watch videos on the net in the near future, and because of that, I found a job at this adverting agency rather than in TV or film industry.
Now, we can watch videos on the net which are theoretically better than DVD. Oh, how times goes by…
YouTube and Vimeo are 2 great sites to watch videos on the net. I myself watch great videos all the time.
When I have an idea for video production, I usually test some techniques these ideas require. Otherwise, I won’t be able to tell how long the work would take, especially I need to know how long the rendering time would be.
Anyway, I just realized that it would be great if people see my sample movies and tell me what they think. Thus, my channel on YouTube.
I’d be posting something like this.
Next, I will try Vimeo as they have just launched a video editing app for iPhone for FREE!! I’ve just downloaded it myself. I’d try that one of these days.