Photo Generator Part3
Lately, I use iPhone’s to mess around with photos. So, I don’t use web based photo generators much anymore.
Still, there are so many that work so good.
And, they are all free.
I don’t know how they do that.
Free background patterns
I was so busy last week. I’m hoping that things would pick up from now on…
0Photo Generator Part2
I’ve posted an article about photo generator and this is its sequel. This time, I’ve chosen funny ones.
0Photo Generator Part1
What would you do after you’ve taken photos?
It’s maybe because I sometimes work as a photographer, I don’t really know what to do with my private photos.
Text editor with a healing power.
Do you use text editors such as Notepad on Windows and Simple Text on Macs?
When I write something, I usually use office apps. If I didn’t use it, then it’s either I write e-mails or blogs. Whenever I use text editors, I use it so that I can check and re-write codes such as HTML, CSS or PHP.