Re-creating famous movie scenes with LEGO
I saw a series of photos by Alex Eylar who re-creates famous movies scenes with LEGO and they are just great.
I used to play with LEGO all the time but never thought of doing this.
I’ve picked up some that I liked.
The famous 007 opening sequence, which is like an icon.
One of the most scary film by Hitchcock, “Psyco”. The house of Norman Bates. Though it’s just LEGO, the photo gives me a creep a little.
I feel as if though I can see the “mother” on the second floor… You should never watch scary films when you are very young…
This is from Chaplin’s “Modern Times”.
Maybe Chaplin’s films are easier to “LEGONIZE”.
LEGO Chaplin is so much like original LEGO figures. Here in Japan, LEGO figures are very popular. If they started to sell this LEGO Chaplin, I’d buy one!
A little steam punked Wall.E.
If Wall.E was not 3D animation, it would probably look exactly like this.
This photo reminded me of No.5 from the film, “Short Circuit”. Ah, good old 80′s…
“2001: A Space Odyssey”
The light’s just a little low…?
Infamous scene from “Reservoir Dogs” where the captured cop got his ear cut off. I think I can hear the dj saying “sound of 70′s”…
“Clockwork Orange”
I never liked the characters in the film and I don’t like the look of these LEGO characters either!!
There are lots of other work by him.
Profound Whatever’s photostream
LEGO seems to be covering a huge market now. From toddlers to grown ups. Who would’ve thought we can make Frank Loyd Wright’s architecture with LEGO!!