Text editor with a healing power.
Do you use text editors such as Notepad on Windows and Simple Text on Macs?
When I write something, I usually use office apps. If I didn’t use it, then it’s either I write e-mails or blogs. Whenever I use text editors, I use it so that I can check and re-write codes such as HTML, CSS or PHP.
What I have bumped into is “OmmWriter”, text editor with a healing power.
While a gentle background sound goes on, you can write onto a beautiful background. It seems to me that creating a creative/productive environment is so popular in the West. Here in Japan, when we say “creating an environment” tend to mean relaxation.
When you start up this software, you see only OmmWriter. If you are using a second monitor, it goes dark. I kind of like that.
I’m not sure how people react to certain sounds, so whether it makes you concentrate more or relax more is a mystery. One thing I can say is that by using OmmWriter, sometimes painful act of writing becomes less painful.
At the moment, you can save whatever you write to eithere .omm or .txt format.
Personally, I’d be happier if I could print whatever I write.
- sound:3 types
- typing sound:3 types
- background images:3 types
Everyday act of writing becomes somewhat new.